The Baby Factor

    • 1017 posts
    June 6, 2011 12:34 AM BST

    Here's a question for those who are on HRT or other Hormones.

    I've seen that natal females have an almost involuntary reaction to babies. If a new mom wheels her newborn into the office, virtually every girl, from the highest manager to the lowest clerk will immediately make a beeline for the baby and begin to ooh and aww about the child (even if it's truly homely). Yes, a very few will hold back, but not many.

    My question: is this something you feel? Is it something GG's are born with, or is it something that Hormones cause?

  • June 7, 2011 6:52 PM BST

    Hi. I'm new on here. Just thought I would poke my head out from behind the sofa Laughing


    I want to join in with the oohing and awwing but struggle to hold myself back as I'm not out yet and don't want a bad reaction.

    I think that it is something that girls are born with or perhaps its nurture, perhaps a bit of both. It's very femme. I think the reactions of the blokes are best though. some tutting, some like me obviously wanting to join in but not doing so, some being more involved in their work that they ever normally are. It's just so funny to watch.

    What about you Melody, what's your reaction.

    This post was edited by Anne-Marie Marshall at June 7, 2011 7:02 PM BST
    • 1017 posts
    June 7, 2011 11:49 PM BST

    Hi Anne-Marie,

    Glad you poked your heard out from behind the sofa (it took me 5 months way back when...)

    To be honest, I don't get all misty eyed when I see a newborn. I do have a feeling that I have been denied the experience of giving birth. I don't know what that says about me.

    Since I haven't taken hormones, I wonder if the maternal instinct is something GG's are born with, or is it the product of the rush of hormones at puberty...thus, my question. Don't want to get all scientific here, but TG's on hormones could be very useful in determining the answer.

    Best, Mellie

    • Moderator
    • 1652 posts
    June 8, 2011 11:27 AM BST

    I didn't get all broody when I started taking hormones. There are a lot of things I would have liked to have been born with that I didn't get, so I have tended to focus on changing the things that were actually possible and tried to not get into a tiz over the things I cannot change. Part of me would have liked to have had children, but only a small part, and I've never really gone gooey over babies. I find small children much more interesting when they get to an age where they can relate how they see the world, and every moment is a learning experience for them.

    Personally, I think the gooey baby response is brought about by nurture rather than body chemistry. I never had baby dolls, and I never felt it was essential for me to give birth.
