Can a wrist get thinner?

  • July 20, 2004 9:52 AM BST

    I bought a ladies´wrist watch in December and hardly got the band around my wrist to the last hole. Now I use the second last hole. And my wrist LOOKS thinner. Can it get thinner in the HRT? I thought that the wrist consists of bones, mainly.
    Any such observations? My neck has surely got thinner, but that is another thing...not only bones .

    • 1198 posts
    July 20, 2004 10:03 AM BST
    Laura i have noticed my wrists have got thinner and my neck too, as Sandra said its fat redistrbution. But i have gained an inch around my waist, which i intend to lose(another diet) JJ xx
  • July 20, 2004 10:04 AM BST
    Oh yes Sandra...

    My ex had claimed to her sister that I had turned into so boney. The sister called me later on. I told her it is not an overall thing, it is the redistribution of my weight. Looking at my upper body you can say I have turned skinny, but the weight is now down at the bottom. I told her there is nothing to be worried about. This is fully normal in the transitioning.

    • 1198 posts
    July 20, 2004 10:54 AM BST
    Funny that yes i have,my legs and thighs are starting to look a lttle JJ xx
    • 430 posts
    July 20, 2004 11:33 AM BST
    Hi girls,

    I have been told about what your talking about. Last week I was talking to someone and they told me that when they started on hormones, they felt hungry much more oftern. Have any of you noticed this? or is this just her experience?
  • July 20, 2004 11:50 AM BST
    Not noticed that. Actually I have slowly lost weight during my hrt. I have noticed a feeling of general well-being and happiness. It is very difficult to make me angry.

    • 430 posts
    July 20, 2004 12:05 PM BST

    I'm glad to hear that as I am trying to lose a little and I don't want to get somewhere and only put it straight back.
  • July 20, 2004 12:54 PM BST
    I have been a 90% vegetarian for the last 15 years. That helps to keep the weight in some frames. The 10% meat includes mainly chicken or turkey and fish.
    What Sandra said about tasting is true. Everything tastes better and also smells more intensively. And the colours are brighter and so on...hehe

    • 430 posts
    July 20, 2004 1:19 PM BST

    only 10% meat? is that a personal choice or a medical one?

    I couldn't imagine life with so little meat. I would say my diet is 10% pig products [be it pork, ham or bacon]. Guess I'm lucky I'm not a jew or a muslim, they can't eat Piggies.
  • July 21, 2004 9:06 AM BST
    I have noticed that my hands have changed into more feminine. The overall look, you know, the skin...and including maybe also a bit thinner fingers.
    Fiona, my kids were long full vegetarians. And I joined the, more or less. Pork we dropped off already when living in Libya, where it was forbidden. Afterwards I found out I had learned to find it somewhat disgusting. A meat that is too similar with human flesh. I do quite well with my voluntary 10% meat digest. My hemoglobine was last when checked 145. And that is GOOD for a woman.

    • 1198 posts
    July 21, 2004 12:23 PM BST
    Going back to Fiona's earlier post, i have noticed i like more chocolate now. I had to stop eating chocolate for medical reasons but since starting hormones, i crave chocolate or sweet things.....(hope i aint pregnant hehehe).
    As for my fingers they are a little thinner, but who can JJ xx
  • July 21, 2004 12:28 PM BST
    Oh yes Julie...

    Sometimes I fall too for chocolate and candy. And find myself with other girls in the candy store choosing sweets...

    • 1198 posts
    July 21, 2004 12:35 PM BST
    i always find its the sweets i had as a kid that i go for, what about you? JJ xx
    • 2573 posts
    July 21, 2004 1:34 PM BST
    American chocolate is pretty bad stuff by and large. I never got over a childhood in Southall eating Cadbury's. It is still my favorite though Swiss Nestles is great and US SEE's is excellent but $13 a pound. There are a few decent US chocs out now like Dove's. Still a Flake or Maltesers are the Bomb.