It's not always as bad as you think

  • June 27, 2011 8:48 PM BST


    I know I keep posting in this forum but as I come out to more people, this one seems to apply the best. I also know that not everyone is the same or has the same success with those around them. However I hope to offer some encouragement to others. This morning at breakfast I went out with my wife, daughter, and folks.  At breakfast I told my father (the twenty year macho Marine who had set ideas about making boys into men) that I was transgendered/transexual and going to be seeing a therapist. Much to my surprise he took I extremely well and said it doesn’t change anything, other than the tattoo I was going to get of the family crest I was going to get with my brother Laughing.

    While this seems uneventful the reason for the post is to let other girls out there know that you still should try if you want to come out. I was worried for the past few months trying to build up courage to tell him. At first he did think I was joking but when I assured him I wasn’t everything became anti-climatic. With each person that I tell it becomes easier and many seem not to be surprised.

    While this may not be the case for everybody it still has the potential to be happy. Those who truly care about you won’t care because you are still you. When you have those who truly care around you it makes you stronger and can help you to continue on. If you don’t tell them they won’t know and it can leave you feeling all alone. No one deserves to feel alone no matter who they are.


    "First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to."



    This post was edited by Former Member at June 27, 2011 8:49 PM BST
  • September 18, 2011 9:06 AM BST

    for me and my folks i wrote a letter a life statement even, back till i was 5 so mum especally would remember the times she caught me etc... let her read it then we had a chat about it. find you can get the words just rite when you write them down, they can be read over if their having a moment...


    never easy but it's not as bad as you think nothing ever is!!!