Housing support

  • January 3, 2012 5:10 PM GMT

    Hi all, so you have decided to transition, maybe half way into it, and then things take a turn for the worse you loose your partner, home, children, pets etc what now ?


    Well i have been in that situation and managed to claw my way back from the edge "luck" i think.

    This situation scared the hell out of me as i found out there is nothing housing wise for anyone on the path, i had been offered shelter in a all "male" hostel for the homeless after ringing everywhere to try to stay off the street.


    I have every chance of being in this situation again in the future, so i really need to sort this out, any ideas of how i could approach my local housing dept and get them to at least have this issue of housing/homelessness  raised at one of there meetings.


    A trans-woman did try to set up a meeting for me with my local council some time ago but failed and this person has some good contacts.


    It would be nice to have piece of mind if this situation comes around again i could at least be in temporary shelter that's safe until i find my feet again, so i need a plan, how to promote and have emergency shelter made available for people on the path? if i can get a good presentation together i will approach my local council myself. :-)

    • 110 posts
    January 3, 2012 7:21 PM GMT
    Hi Amber. I know dealing with councils and housing associations can be hard. Many using a points system which be changed at a whim. Your best hope may be trying to rent privately if you can afford to. It just seems there's not anywhere near enough affordable housing available. I wish you the best of luck in your search for a home and good luck on your path. Hugs Lillith x
  • January 3, 2012 10:16 PM GMT
    Hey thanks Lillith, this is one of those issues that jump out at you when your at your low point lol.
    I have a home at the moment, but its best to plan ahead if you can. Amber x
  • January 4, 2012 4:03 PM GMT
    well, if you have legally started transition you are rpotected by the gender equality act and so will get treated as any other single woman...but then the waiting lists etc may mean th echoice of housing is limited.
    best look for a job and rent privately.
  • January 5, 2012 12:00 PM GMT
    Ok my point,

    1). No help for you when you need safe "emergency shelter"

    2). I am trying to help change this situation for myself and anyone else who finds themselves in this kind of situation.

    I have employment, and give up some my free time to help others in society, however i do find it strange that i receive more support from people outside of the gender issues arena.

    When faced with situations like being made homeless in one day, ring and quote all the laws you want and see how far you get with that. :-)

    I do not wish to offend people but dam, this type of non help buy housing departments is just plan cruel.