A very funny thing happened while out today!

  • January 25, 2012 3:21 AM GMT
    Hi All!Smile 

    Well on Friday I went and bought some clothes at rock bottom clearance prices due to the store closing its doors for good. I was dressed 50/50 (male/female) and the SA called me a lady, and mam repeatedly. I had no wig, no make-up, male jeans on, nails painted, lavender top, brown heeled boots and still get called out as female, which of coarse made me float on air. I bought 5 tops, 2 belts, and a floor length skirt for $23 all bran new what a find! 

    Today I drove down to the county office to get some paperwork and then to social services to see about help with utilities. When I was getting back into my van two ladies approach and ask if they can get a ride down to were social services told me to go! I said I was not going there right now, but would be glad to give them a ride there. They over heard me talking about my marrage heading toward divorce and I told them it is because of me being transgender. They laughed and said what is your husbands problem, maybe I should give him my parts so he knows how it feels. We started to laugh and I corrected them that I was m-f not f-m. They said no way really so I took my wig off and of coarse they loved the curly hair too. LOL!! I am in heaven at this point that they thought I was a woman in transition to be a man. The older woman is the mom of the other woman and they want to get together again sometime to talk and hang out so we exchanged numbers. 

    So I will be couscous until I get to know them. I don't need any more problems in my life right know or in the future, other than the ones I have.

    • 146 posts
    January 25, 2012 7:36 AM GMT
    Another nice journal always a joy to read Trish. Guess you have got the voice and the female presence. Sending out all the female messages ..I love the typo in the ending .. or is it spell checker overide . Couscous for Cautious [probably]. this answers my question what to have with the Chicken stew this evening?. Its s strange how suggestion works P:-) hugs Donna
    • 434 posts
    January 27, 2012 12:36 AM GMT
    As I always say...good things happen when you go shopping for clothes...