Thanx Karen for the remedies.
Here are some that I must say, leaves me almost breathless. For a person that has dealt with substance abuse, I do find these amusing, but so very pathetic.
Alcoholism home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers
The restricted diet of grapes for about a month is a vital home remedy for alcoholism. As this fruit contains a very pure form of alcohol, it acts like a healthy alternative to alcohol. The ideal process is to take three meals a day of fresh grapes every five hours. To make this treatment successful, the alcohol should develop strong will power to stop drinking.
Apples when eaten regularly and liberally help in removing intoxication and reduce craving for wines or any other kind of liquor.
Dates are beneficial in treating alcoholism. Rub together 3-4 dates in half a glass of water and have the alcoholic drink this two times a day for a period of about a month.
Juice extracted from bitter gourd leaves is the perfect remedy for alcohol intoxication. It is basically useful for the damaged liver. Mix three teaspoons of the juice with a glass of butter milk and consume every morning for a month.
The juice of raw celery creates a sobering effect on the alcoholic patient. In half a glass of water, an equal quantity of celery juice should be mixed and consumed once everyday for a month. This is a very successful home remedy to cure alcoholism.