10 year old girl to hand her petition to the Press Assoc.

  • March 23, 2012 5:17 PM GMT

    A girl born a boy is celebrating after a petition collected 2,000 names thanks to the support of the Worcester News.

    The e-petition against the use of terms such as “tranny” and “gender bender” in the media has now reached its target after a hard-fought campaign by a Worcester family.

    The petition was organised by Saffy James on behalf of her 10-year-old daughter Livvy, who was born with a boy’s body but has always felt inside she is a girl.

    Mrs James hopes Livvy can hand in the petition personally to the Press Association in London at a date which is yet to be confirmed.

    She hopes television crews will attend the hand-over “as soon as possible” to raise the profile of gender dysphoria nationally.

    The 37-year-old said: “The petition is not something we want to just stick a stamp on otherwise it could be ignored.

    “If we put it through the door it could just end up in the recycling bin.

    "We just wanted to thank Worcester News readers for their input and for supporting us. Thank you to the Worcester News for putting the petition out there for people to sign.”

    Saffy James said on the e-petition’s main page that transgender people were being beaten, murdered, threatened, bullied and intimidated and that offensive terms only compounded the emotional turmoil they already faced.

    During the campaign, Livvy and her mother appeared on BBC Breakfast and This Morning with Philip Schofield as they fought to bring the issue to national attention.

    Livvy has battled suicidal thoughts since she returned to school as a girl last September.

    The family has always praised the strong support received by staff at the school.

    Story from the Worcester News:- http://www.worcesternews.co.uk/news/9609812.Livvy_reaches_e_petition_target/

    This post was edited by Former Member at March 23, 2012 5:19 PM GMT