My court case 29th June.

    • 129 posts
    July 2, 2012 6:50 PM BST

    You may or may not know but i was in court on the 29th of June.


    This case has been draging on since Feburary . The charges again'st a man i had never met had been building up.


    On the front page of my local newspaper they call it an exclusive! Inside they call it a landmark case in the County of Suffolk.

    Why? Because it is the first ever successful transphobic prosecution in this county with a population fast approaching one million people.


    At the begining of this case i was told this man will go to prison! That then changed to "prison will do him no good" he likes it there. On the 29th of june at the last minute the man who had denied the charges for 4 months changed his plea to guilty on 2 of the charges ( planned by his solicitor? Cannot comment) but it threw a spanner in the works.  As i was representing myself with no legal advice i was then offered a choice! Accept he has pleaded guilty to 2 of the charges or let this drag on for another 4 months or maybe  more.

    I needed to put this behind me so i can get on with my life so i agreed to let the case go ahead.

    What sickens me is not only the fact that he had stole 4 months of my life and i had to move home and cost me a small fortune "but" to hear the court say "We commend you for changing your plea to guilty" The fact is he was guilty of the 2 charges and i had solid evidence of a third.


    I have to put this behind me now and like i said get on with my life .The court said his punishment was harsh (Yeah! and my name is Paris Hilton) Harsh is what i have been put through.


    The police were absolutely fantastic through all of this and treated me with the greatest of respect.


    So what next? Apart from getting on with my life i will continue to support my local hate crime service/victim support and LGBT (Why is the T at the end?) and i will press all the buttons i can to get sentences for hate crimes increased to fit the crime.


    If anyone wishes i can put the links up to both articals in the paper today . If i do you will see the visable affect this has had on me . The photographs in the paper were taken after 5 hours in a court building but that is not why i look so crap! My profile pic was taken just before this sh*t happened and have not been tampered with , just croped resized and uploaded .The reason i look so crap in the paper is because of what i have been put through and the wieght loss. No i don't want sympathy! I will recover but what i do want is to see all hate crimes reported , they will never stop but they can be reduced and if anyone ever thinks of doing anything like this to me ever then i will do it all again.


    About me leaving this website.


    I have never felt i belong here so in a few days i am leaving for good .That few days will give anyone the chance to ask for the links on the above case if interested .Due to the late release of the press release to the BBC my appearance on the Mark Murphy morning show has been moved to tommorow (3rd July) if you want to listen to that i can let you know how tommorow .Plus i want to say a few personal goodbyes.


    You all take care and i wish you all the happiness i had before this event in my life and i now have back again.


    Julia Ford  xxxxx (yes thats my real name).