I currently live in Arvada, Colorado (thank you it is very lovely scenery here), but I really have it rough, the economy, the society, and overall, my mental illness combined with my broken, bleeding heart (ask me for the story), make it a very rough life for me. I have placed an ad on craigslist for anyone who is interested in helping me out, but so far, no avail with that either.
I'm starting to wonder if life is worth living, and if I can do anything about my situation ( I currently am living in a household of a total of 8 people and I can't even be myself without being subjected to hate, and discrimination daily and it's criminal, some of the bullshit I deal with).
I also have no place to go, and almost no resources to help me through my troubles.
If I ever lost the roof over my head I'd be homeless, and for me, that's enough to commit suicide.
I'm walking on thin ice, and one mis-step and I'll be Trapped Under Ice.
Of course, it is the fault of others, that I am in the situation I am in, and I am forced to take the blame, or else, the law gets involved (malevolent, corrupt assholes have turned me into a slave).
Can anyone, please help?
Or at the very least, tell me that my view of life is right, and that I am better off dead?
Debbie Davies(Make-up Tips forum mod) said:
dont despair Amy ..please!..theres always someone to help or at least listen somewhere..im thinkin of you xxxx
That is NOT enough. If it can't be in person, then it does NOT help. I think you understand that the help when it comes from in person, is far more effective, by a margin in excess of 2,000% (that is 20x).
Debbie Davies(Make-up Tips forum mod) said:
indeed it is far more effective in person. im sorry you dont think its enough..but im trying to give you some solace by offering at least some kind of support. hang in there!
When I get home, those words of solace will disappear like the soft whispers of wind. Not because of my woes, but because I live in a broken home. Please Section 8 housing assistance, come my way! I am on the wait list.
Hi Amy,
I too live in the UK and so can only offer you support from a distant place.
I can feel your despair and pain in your words though. Do you live as a female at the moment and is this why the people who share the accommodation with you are giving you such a bad time??
You say that you have been turned into a slave by the others, is it just your trans status that they are holding over you or is it something else??
Are there any LGBT groups near to where you live that you can turn to for some sort of support through this - they might be able to find some safe accommodation for you nearby.
What do you find most distressing at the moment - being in the accommodation where you live now and all the angst from that - or not being able to be yourself and accepted as the way you are??
Do you have a job at the moment??
Sorry, so many questions, but anybody responding to your cry for help will need this type of information in order to help you further
Carrol xx
Carol Uren (Site Moderator) said:
Hi Amy,
I too live in the UK and so can only offer you support from a distant place.
I can feel your despair and pain in your words though. Do you live as a female at the moment and is this why the people who share the accommodation with you are giving you such a bad time??
You say that you have been turned into a slave by the others, is it just your trans status that they are holding over you or is it something else??
Are there any LGBT groups near to where you live that you can turn to for some sort of support through this - they might be able to find some safe accommodation for you nearby.
What do you find most distressing at the moment - being in the accommodation where you live now and all the angst from that - or not being able to be yourself and accepted as the way you are??
Do you have a job at the moment??
Sorry, so many questions, but anybody responding to your cry for help will need this type of information in order to help you further
Carrol xx
response to Debbie-more or less, it's like the words will not do me any good once the chaos resumes.
Carrol- 1-I cannot fully live as female at this time because of one specific living condition-a 7 year old traumatized brat who sees me as her brother.
2-Yes, a slave. Because of my mental illness, I am easily taken advantage of, and it has been made legal.
3-I have to travel well out of my way for the ONE group I can attend for free, but yes, however, it is mainly just a meet up group, nothing more unless the individual members themselves are willing to provide help, which I need immensely.
5-My mental illness will keep me from attaining employment, which is actually breaking the law, but I can't afford an attorney to fight this stupid bullsh-it.
Princess Layla said:
This is a little alarming
May I ask, if any intent you have on helping me with this? Because normally, when someone says such a thing, it's normally a sign of someone wanting to help in any way they can.
Maci Branch said:
Hi Amy, I just wanted to tell you to hang in there, life does get better and is worth living even if it may not look it, my suicide attempt was the biggest mistake I could ever make and I am grateful every day that I did not succeed. I know things may look grim now, but they will get better they always do, don't let the ignorance of others bring you down. hugs
So are any of you, besides the lady fair who contacted me via PM, in the United States? Looking for more than an online connection, which I sure as Hell need. (Offline=ideal)
Hey I'm actually going into social work and I know there is more that can be done in your situation and many layers that would be willing to take your case probono. There are social services out there for you. I'm in the US in Idaho and plan on moving to Colorado. There is hope for you I know it may not seem or feel that way, but there is.
My living situation is no better; but a lot has changed otherwise.
No longer a Crossdresser (ignore my un-changeable profile); I know a lot more about myself (and my true self) than mortals of imbecilic planet Earth are ever going to accept (you religiously brainwashed f*cktards!), but that's NOT my bloody problem, that's your problem, because your God won't save you. (doesn't exist)
Anyway, yeah. If I hadn't gotten help by now, I sure as sh!t am not going to get it at any time, unless someone breaks away from the Master Plan, and tells Fate to f*ck off.
I've already taken steps to take some elaborate, and desparate measures.
In truth, all I really need to do is learn how to reduce the size of people, and then I can take their shrunken bodies and do away with them however I see fit.
While I learn how to do that, I'll take my skills in swordsmanship and use them if need be. Those whom have great skill with a sword can defy fear of any other weapon, especially a fire arm. With one fell swoop, a bullet can be sliced in two, and with the next, the fire arm as well (which may sever a finger or a hand in the process too).
Off topic: Oi, almost every night, there's this pissed off cat screeching, hissing and what-not. Right outside my window, for two months now...