New Software Upgrade Bugs & Problems

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    April 26, 2013 3:10 PM BST

    So, the upgrade prodecure did not go very well.  Doh!

    We did apparently, succesfully eradicate hundreds of small bugs and a few larger ones too and our page load times have seen a further improvement.

    However, a number of important features have broken.  I am trying hard to fix as many of these problems as possible as soon as I can but some are beyond my level of knowledge and need to be handed over to the various developers who created them in the first place.  Therefore, it could take several days to get everything fixed.  Sorry about that.  It's just an inevitable consequence of our upgrades.  We fix some bugs but introduce new ones.

    Anyway, when it's all over, the pain will be worthwhile because we'll have a faster, better community with more features, bells and whistles and some great improvements to our existing stuff too.

    You can help by letting me know about anything that doesn't work.  Let's compile a list here then, in our shiny new forums!

    Here's my list so far...

    * Members can no longer log in using their Usernames and must instead, use their email addresses.

    * Some members are unable to log in at all, although a few have got round this by resetting their passwords.

    * The forums did not work after the core software upgrade was finished.  However, Katie fixed this by buying a brand new forum to completely replace the old software!

    * The Main Navigation Menu has disappeared from the header of each page.

    * The Full Member's Instant Messenger Bar has disappeared from the bottom of each page.

    Anything else to add?  Over to you...

    Thanks, Katie   x

    • 1652 posts
    April 26, 2013 4:12 PM BST
    We still need a "latest posts" list; it's the only way to really keep up with the forums. It was there for a short time today I'm sure!
    But you are doing a great job thanks, Katie.
    • Moderator
    • 2358 posts
    April 26, 2013 4:19 PM BST

    Forum posts has now gone missing from profiles drop down menu, where you could go to a profile and see everything that person had posted in the forums,....... blogs, info, videos, piccies are all still there. it was there originally and is handy for site mods to check and edit posts if one person has been known to post previous dubious, litageous posts etc.

    This post was edited by Cristine Jennifer Shye. BL at April 26, 2013 4:21 PM BST
    • 0 posts
    April 27, 2013 9:43 AM BST


    Its looking good Katie.

    You might like to start by explaining these functions:  - thank  - add reputation.   Share and report are pretty straight forward but what does thank and add reputation do?

    Also, would you think that the forums had a "Forum Rules and Terms of Use" function?

    And I agree with Lucy, a "View new content" function will make the forums quick, efficient and productive for regular users.

    If I think of anything else, I'll let you know. 


    • 108 posts
    April 27, 2013 3:01 PM BST
    The "thank" function is self-explantory to me as it's similar to another website I a m a member of but the "add reputation" confuses me and that's normal for me.
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    April 27, 2013 4:19 PM BST

    I have no idea what either are about.  I think the software was created by some far eastern programmers, possibly from Thailand.  I don't think these options are really relevant for our community though, so if it's all the same to you, I will try to have them removed.

    We still have a problem with our Main Navigation Menu Bar and also our Instant Messenger Bar.  Both have disappeared and I think the cause is common to both.  I need to talk to our developers in Pasadena but they will not be back at their desks until 9am on Monday, so we will just have to wait.

    I also asked them to fix the password problem and they told me that I should ask all of our 24,000+ members to change their passwords.  That was not very helpful so I have written back to them to say that is simply not good enough.

    A different developer will be working on reinstating the username login on Monday. 

    We also have a few more bells and whistles to come.  This upgrade s far from over.

    And by the way, it's been a very expensive week so far.  A number of our regular members expressed a wish to help over the last few months by making a donation towards the cost of running this place.

    Well, now would be a really good time to actually do that.  If you want to help, please go to this page to contribute...


    Thanks, Katie  

    • 108 posts
    April 27, 2013 4:23 PM BST
    Basically, the "thank" button is similar in nature as the "like" button.
  • April 27, 2013 4:42 PM BST

    hey about the menu been missing i was talking to me friend today about it

    and he said that if the menu is missing after logging in, but there when ur not, that the function for the menu probably hasnt been added to the loggin state

    if that makes sense to you

  • April 27, 2013 6:51 PM BST

    Other things that are missing:

    1.  The list of full members who are online
    2.  The ability of full members to create chat rooms (general, invitation only and password protected ones) which were accessed via the menu bar which used to reside at the bottom of the page.

    3.  Some members (most) cannot see other members profile pictures in the Chat Room.

    This post was edited by Former Member at April 27, 2013 6:54 PM BST
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    April 27, 2013 8:40 PM BST

    Katie don't worry about it, right now someone offers up thanks for a forum post, then someone else ear marks it then someone does something else then we have the same 3 posts one after the other. Trial and error. (personally don't see the point of being able to read the whole forum post on the home page by clicking on more)

    At one point we had forum posts on a persons profile in date order, same as before, everything that person had ever posted, plus photo albums, videos, blogs, info.whats new.

    now we have advance forum topics, recent advanced forum topics, no albums. More+ is still there, (now contains, whats new, friends, links, groups, articles, polls & videos) these are things that can be sorted later. now the home page is moving twice as fast, friends likes, forum posts. comments. recommends etc etc. 

    • 0 posts
    April 27, 2013 9:52 PM BST

    Good Morning GS


    How are we all doing today? I expect at this point some of us are starting to fray at the edges.

    Katie the investment in the new forum software was a stroke of genius. As you would say:"It was brill."


    On my email notifications the URL is given for;  A user thanked to your forum post in the topic and ~*~*~ has posted a reply to the topic ****** but link is not adjoined to it.


    I also concur with Cristine that if all 24,000+ members were logged in at once the front wall would be "indecipherable." I suggest that the forums be a stand alone facility with a "View New  Content"  availability.


    Also, thank and add reputation probably are redundant and the add reputation is open to abuse similar to the like which is blatantly over used by some.




    • Moderator
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    April 28, 2013 2:25 AM BST

    Cristine, Shye (GS Admin) Yes you need the original email account that you signed up with, to receive permission to enter a new password. or log in via Facebook or my space and then change your password from the edit feature on your profile, I just did that, that by going to settings in the white drop down menu and then change password.  

    • 0 posts
    April 28, 2013 7:41 AM BST

    So's, the 'View Recent Updates' at the top of the navigation pane is new??!!. - Brill

    Just quietly: How do we donate if the menu bar is missing?


    Nice attachement Cristine, does GS have a shop? Money mouth 

  • April 28, 2013 8:38 AM BST

    You make donations here Chalice


    • 0 posts
    April 28, 2013 10:52 AM BST

    Katie, g'day 

    I might suggest that at some time, perhaps following the upgrade, you have a 'membership upgrade' drive perhaps by putting a 'sticky' on the wall.

    I am sure that collectively you could create something convincing to sell full membership. 


    This post was edited by Former Member at April 28, 2013 11:04 AM BST
  • May 4, 2013 6:52 PM BST
    I've just logged on and noticed the changes. First of all I want to say a big Thank You for your efforts in making the site even better. Bugs are an occupational hazard, but I may have missed some of these – for example I was able to log on as before with no problem.
    I'm not sure if anyone's reported this but the Help button re-directs to the home page.
    Just one question about donations. I see this is by PayPal or credit card. Members using either of these would have to use their real identity – and unfortunately not all of us have the same identity in real life as we do online. So can you say something about privacy and protection? Is there any way of donating anonymously?
    Catherine xxx
    • 0 posts
    May 4, 2013 7:31 PM BST


    You wouldn't have total anonymity because Katie would see your name, but if you use paypal then all of its security still applies.

    I didn't have an issue or share your concern but my email also dispays my natal name so I am out anyway. lol

    However, the receipt is also secure. I think it comes from Media Munch. 


    • Moderator
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    May 6, 2013 10:14 AM BST
    Hooray, Ivan has fixed the username problem so you can now log in with your username again. He has also fixed the password problem... for now anyway.
    • Moderator
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    May 6, 2013 10:16 AM BST
    And yes Catherine, you can use the PayPal option securely. The only person who will see your other name at this end will be me, and I already know it (we go back a long way)!

    Hugz, Katie. x
  • May 6, 2013 6:11 PM BST

    Well.... you go away for awhile & then come back to sparkling new software Surprised


    1stly Yes Thank is the same as like, it can be overused but then you can bookmark your favourite topics so that you can always find them.


    2ndly Add Reputation is a function that allows you to reward good information, postings, pictures, video's ect..... The idea is that as you post more posts, assist with problems, answer questions you earn points to reward other members posts.


    All in all its fairly easy once you get the hang of it Wink

  • May 6, 2013 9:40 PM BST
    Katie Glover said:And yes Catherine, you can use the PayPal option securely. The only person who will see your other name at this end will be me, and I already know it (we go back a long way)! Hugz, Katie. x
    Thanks Katie. I'm not a celeb or anything like that, but equally I don't want to be outed. I would be happy to be Catherine in real life and to be known as Catherine, but it would be very difficult for the people who matter most to me.
    Catherine xxx