Coming out at work - almost!

    • 95 posts
    January 1, 2014 5:37 PM GMT

    There is a woman at work (5 "guys" and Eve) who does the books, etc. I likes her from the first time we met. She is intelligent, great person, and I decided to tell her. I asked her to go out for coffee after work new years eve, thinking we would leave early. When it became apparent we were not, i went into the office and just told her....I said you may already know because you have been calling me "Robin" lately. She said that's your name right? I said yes, but i'm transgender. She said "really" with a smile, and i said yes, decided to transition three years ago, but know hormones will (oh crap, my computer won't let me change fonts now) start to really make some changes and everyone will probably wonder about me, so I want an ally and advocate when i do have to say something. "Absolutely!" and she gives me a huge hug right there in the office! Nobody saw, I guess because it wasn't mentioned. She is so nice, she was so happy for me. The longest journey begins with a single step, right?


  • January 1, 2014 6:35 PM GMT

    It helps to have someone you can trust at work. Doesn't happen all that often either. It's a great start though to changing something we all need to do......Work. Wishing you all the best in the coming year.

    • 146 posts
    January 1, 2014 7:55 PM GMT

    Hiya Robin, I am so pleased for you . I am going through transition at work currently , and your right it so much helps to tell someone at work , just  to make that start, and get a positive reaction .There is quite a bit of formal organization also . so I must stop now and get on with it I am back to work tomorrow    

    • 146 posts
    January 1, 2014 7:55 PM GMT

    Hiya Robin, I am so pleased for you . I am going through transition at work currently , and your right it so much helps to tell someone at work , just  to make that start, and get a positive reaction .There is quite a bit of formal organization also . so I must stop now and get on with it I am back to work tomorrow    

  • January 5, 2014 12:00 AM GMT





    One of the hardest things is to do is  tell someone at work.  Especially that "First" person.


    It's good to hear that Eve's response was so supportive.  Hopefully you two will become

    very good friends as you move forward in your journey. May this be the year that you can be your

    true self and make many new friends.


    Big  Hug,


    Michelle  Smile

    This post was edited by Former Member at January 5, 2014 12:02 AM GMT
    • 95 posts
    January 5, 2014 1:49 PM GMT

    Thank you for your good wishes feels so good to be able to come out from behind this veil. The guys at work seem to be educated and without prejudices, so hopefully, when the day comes, they will be supportive as well ; ).

    -Robin xoxo

    • 2017 posts
    January 13, 2014 2:37 PM GMT
    Congratulations Robin.

    It's not so hard a step to take either is it? I think you will find that there won't be any issues, it's the uneducated that are usually less accepting.

    Don't be surprised if you are bombarded with questions, as many people are genuinely curious about the situation and will admire your courage.
    • 95 posts
    February 15, 2014 2:04 PM GMT

    Thank you everyone! I  now officially "out" at work.With Eve's encouragement, i told my "bossman" three weeks ago and everything is cool. I told the other three guys in the shop and no problem. I was pretty sure there would not be an isue, as everyone I work with is "intelligent" and do not seem teh type to hold something like that against anyone. I think it also helped that they "know me" beforehand and it may be harder to "unlike" someone. (?) The difficult part is dressing/presenting myself in a feminine way iina woodworking shop! Not "frilly", but feminine enough to not confuse customers who wander into the work area. So far, just a little makeup, minimal jewelry (earrings, non-dangling necklase), some inexpensive jeans,not too tight! Anyway, what a relief. Thank you all here on GS who encouraged me. ; )

    -Robin xxx