According to a recent Pew poll, 90% of Americans say they personally know someone who is lesbian, gay, or bisexual. However only 8% of Americans say they personally know someone who is transgender. Given this reality, most Americans learn about transgender people through the media. So when the media talks about transgender issues - it is imperative that they get it right.
A petition on the White House website with nearly 50,000 signatures is calling for the legal recognition of non-binary gender identities.
Last year Oklahoma judge Bill Graves, denied Angela Renee Ingram the right to change her name ruling that the name change request was fraudulent "because you can't change what God gave you". Graves also stated that, "A so-called sex-change surgery can make one appear to be the opposite sex, but in fact they are nothing more than an imitation of the opposite sex." The Oklahoma ACLU representing Ingram got the ruling overturned recently in the Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals.
“This ruling represents another important victory that says equality and fundamental rights are not dependent upon an individual’s gender identity,” said Brady Henderson, Legal Director of the ACLU of Oklahoma and Ingram’s attorney in the case.
Henderson continued by saying, “Judge Graves had disregarded Oklahoma law and fundamental principles of free speech and equal protection by imposing his own philosophy over Oklahomans’ personal right to reflect their own identity through their legally recognized name. The Oklahoma Court of Civil Appeals did the right thing in reversing that decision.”
Ingram wasn't the only transgender woman denied a name change by Judge Graves. Christie Ann Harvey was disallowed a name change where Graves sited Bible passages in court. Both women have now successful appealed their case.
A petition on the White House website with nearly 50,000 signatures is calling for the legal recognition of non-binary gender identities. According to the petition, legal documents in the United States only recongnize male and female as genders:
Australia and New Zealand both allow an X in place of an M or an F on passports for this purpose, and the UK recognizes 'Mx' (pronounced "Mix") as a gender-neutral title.
This petition asks the Obama administration to legally recognize genders outside of the male-female binary, and provide an option for these genders on all legal documents and records.
You can support the petition to legally recognize non-binary genders here!
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The petition you are trying to access has expired, because it failed to meet the signature threshold.
Not a popular topic in the USA then? Who decides on the minimum requisite number of signatures? or how long the petition is allowed to stand, the anti trans element of the whitehouse, ''we the people?''
Transgender people in crisis should contact The Trevor Project's 24/7 Lifeline at 866-4-U-TREVOR (866-488-7386), Trevor Chat, the Trevor Projects' online messaging service, or The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
Transgender is basically unknown in the USA. Much of the debate is over gay and lesbian coulples and their right to union. Someone I know recently talked about gays as ball grazers and those other people, trans something or other and our military. There's a lot before congress right now that will never see the time of day simply because it requires too much thought and independant thinking. Why we vote congerssmen and women into office who can't think independantly is beyond me. The NTCE and TLC are well known in the trans community but without the law makers to back them there isn't much they can effect in the way of change. Most pettitions for change never find their way to my computer and I'm too lazy to go and find them which is true of most Americans. Transgender Americans are complacent and unwilling to get involved in anything controversial and tend to wait for the White House to decide for them. That way nothing changes and life just goes on. Maybe Transgender American's need to change their attitudes so someone will take them seriously. Myself included......:)
Thank you Chrissy for your observations, and it shows in the lack of interest of late in this forum. I am sure as time goes on, with education etc, more people will be inclined to voice their outrage and contempt for the few biggoted and unscrupulous polititians. Oh! yes we still have a few here as well, lol xxXxx