As a relatively new member, I don't know whether this is an appropriate question for the forums. I have been reading about the Tri-Ess organization and have mixed feelings about whether it is a good idea to join. On the one hand, it appears to be a great way to meet other accepting people in person, which should be a boost to one's confidence. On the other hand, I'm not sure if all it is is just a way to expand one's "closet" from just being one's home to different monthly locales. In other words, it appears to be a chance to be among like-minded people, but that is as far as it goes.
Have any of you had an experience with Tri-Ess that eventually gave you the confidence to go out more easily on your own? Did groups of members ever go do something in public, out and about? Or did it just create a larger sized cocoon for you? How are the monthly meetings normally conducted? Is it worthwhile for someone who lives 6 hours from the nearest city with a chapter to join?
I feel that Gender Society fulfills some of the benefits of Tri-Ess, in that it is a place to obtain information and advice from others who are on the same page. However, it lacks the face-to-face element. I'm wondering whether Tri-Ess would be a good way to fill that hole. Perhaps there are other choices available?
Thanks, Sami
As an English Transwoman, the Tri-Ess site holds no interest for me. Perhaps a member from the United States would know more?
Sarah xx
Ah, sorry, I should have checked which forum this was in before I posted.
To my knowlege, Tri-Ess has active chapters throughout the Country. They have periodic meetings and social functions. It you are interested you may check your local phone directory and go to their wed site and see if there in one near you. Hope this helps. I am not a member, just checked into it a number of years ago and there were none close to me.