Hi all!
I'm new here. (preparing for flames)
anyway, My name is Amanda and i am MTF.
i am 33 years old and honestly, i do not look like an
Amanda. i look like grizzly addams.
guess i just can't get my stuff together to really go full
force in order to transition properly.
i ran across a site talking about an academy of sorts which
allows one to take about a year to go away and never come
back (as a guy). but to emerge like a new butterfly,
feminine and beautiful. (probably why they have female or
MTF rainbow butterfly on the site?)
anyway, is this the only place like this? would it be a
good step in the right direction?
i know some of you might say: i had to do it the hard way,
you do too, or else blah blah blah...
but really, if you had it to do all over again, wouldn't
you love to take them up on their offer?
this is the site link, if i'm allowed to post it. if not,
mods just delete it please.
to me it doesn't seem to break the rules. but i know how
mods can be sometimes.
oh, well...
i look forward to rational responses
Hi amanda.
Oh! You will get flamed alright. lol!
Its a good idea but it throws up a lot of alarm bells.
So I have to ask; Why is everything on the site so hidden?
I could afford a year away for a measley $20,000.
edit: spelling
Chalice Brendale said:
Hi amanda.
Oh! You will get flamed alright. lol!
Its a good idea but it throws up a lot of alarm bells.
So I have to ask; Why is everything on the site so hidden?
I could afford a year away for a measurely $20,000.
i read the rather lengthy FAQ there. and it looks like this thing is in the works. so maybe they don't have all the pieces together quite yet, hence the crowdfunding links. i assume that if they get the money they will open for business. and people who can't plop 20K down can work it off in what they call a work-study program.
maybe i'm too optimistic, but i don't think they are trying to hide anything. just finalizing the details.
So to sum this up after 5 years their is no money to do this stupid idea. There are no staff , there is no school or building to do it in , you have no one with a brian cell to build you a proper website. I have read though the whole thing and to put it bluntly there is nothing. Now here comes my question! Do you really think anyone here is stupid enough to join something that is not there and actually pay 20.000 Dollars. What planet are you on? .
Take it somewhere else than here , maybe the recycle bin? . You say you look forward to rational responses? Well you just got one , it is about as rational as you will get.
amanda holland said:Hi all!
I'm new here. (preparing for flames)
anyway, My name is Amanda and i am MTF.
i am 33 years old and honestly, i do not look like an
Amanda. i look like grizzly addams.
guess i just can't get my stuff together to really go full
force in order to transition properly.
i ran across a site talking about an academy of sorts which
allows one to take about a year to go away and never come
back (as a guy). but to emerge like a new butterfly,
feminine and beautiful. (probably why they have female or
MTF rainbow butterfly on the site?)anyway, is this the only place like this? would it be a
good step in the right direction?i know some of you might say: i had to do it the hard way,
you do too, or else blah blah blah...but really, if you had it to do all over again, wouldn't
you love to take them up on their offer?this is the site link, if i'm allowed to post it. if not,
mods just delete it please.LINK REMOVED/
to me it doesn't seem to break the rules. but i know how
mods can be sometimes.oh, well...
i look forward to rational responses
You asked what did you do wrong? . Well to start by your self addmission that you have tried posting your link on other other websites. How do I know that? Because you said you know how mods can be , so that is your addmission , you have tried it.
Now let me correct you on a few things. The Gender Society is a bit like a family. We have our ups and downs and a few black sheep but all in all we get along most of the time. So you come along and introduce yourself with an external link to another website. That is not the way it works here , we get to know each other via the various methods we have here.
I do not know you and you do not know me! I have not insulted you above all I have done is pointed out the facts in the link you posted. So you do not like the truth then attack me with insults. I am not a hater as you put it! I have no self hate as you put it either. Your post above is totally irrational wrong and disrespectful , not just to me but to this website and its owner and members.
This happened just last week when another person joined and placed a link to Gofundme. If it were allowed to continue this website would be covered in links taking members and "Much need resources" away from the very place the links are placed! Can you not see that?.
If you had joined this website and contributed towards it in some way and got to know a few people this would look very different. After you had been here for a while you could have even asked Katie (Site owner) if it is ok to place the link , she does not bite.
Maybe the next website you try you should consider that? . You see we have members here with some intelligence and can see why you joined.
So thank you for your response and insults! As you do not know me I will ignore them and put it down to your ignorance.
Have fun on you next website and just to add before I go. Any intelligent person can see there has to be some gain in this for you. If there is no gain in it then why do you do it is it a hobby or are you just bored?. I think there is a lot more to you than you let on. You are judgemental arrigent! And to add ignorant to what is here on this website for members who care about it.
Have a nice day , Julia.
amanda holland said:
I was hoping to discuss the possibility of that school thing being legitimate. Whether or not the people responsible for THAT website have the right intentions or not, wouldn't that be a grand opportunity? So what did I do wrong? Am i nor allowed to Include a link to the subject in question? Or what?
I thought I'd seen everything, but I would be very surprised if its not a current member.
Too many aspects point to that conclusion.
I wish I felt differently, but 'bad things happen when good people do nothing'.
Well put above Madeleine! As usual you are to nice Beats being a self hater like me lol
I better go consume myself, Ouch! I just tried to bite my finger .
The website! All of the parts I could access contradicted each other. At the start it was explaining all about the staff and school ect . When I looked deeper there were no staff or a school! So it does not exist.
If the meaning of the thing was to raise the half a million USD then best not say it is there before it is. This is not the way for a member of GS to introduce themselves! It failed.
As for the idea of the school who ever thought of it. If they cannot fund something and if it is a workable idea the bank will be willing to help! If not then aim lower. It does not need half a million USD . Start small and then grow , if it works it works and if it fails it fails with no huge loss to takers. Why 20.000 USD for a year? They could try a week to start just camping or something like that. From small accorns ect ect.
I am done, Take care , Julia .