Do hormones make you a woman?

  • August 27, 2004 10:19 AM BST
    Hi girls

    I wondered to which extent hormones really CHANGE us. Or is it so that they mainly "set your inner woman free"? I know that I move my hands when speaking in a way I never did as a male. I didn´t learn it, I didn´t try it or even think of it. It just came out of many other little things, gestures or movements, posings.
    Can hormones make a normal average man a woman? Maybe partly...I don´t know. What do you think?
    I know, though, that testosterone could affect on me in many ways, mainly puffering my feelings and emotions. So thinking the other way around, estrogen must affect on everyone. But does it affect more on us who feel women inside? Probably so. I´d like to hear your opinions.

    • 1198 posts
    August 27, 2004 10:52 AM BST
    in answer to your question i think hormone's do to a certain extent, but i would say its more in the mind and the way we think. Yes hormone's change our outer feature's, but not our inner frame.
    They play a large part in the phsyical change's, but don't they help in giving us the female hormone balance we need?. If you feel and think like a woman in mind then you will portray female characteristic's and the hormones inhance the way we act and think. Well if you get the jist of that your better than JJ xx
  • August 27, 2004 11:39 AM BST
    My point was the question if the hormones do exactly the same to an average male as to a transsexual?
    I imagine that a transsexual has much more "potential female" inside than an average male.

  • August 27, 2004 11:57 AM BST
    That´s what I think, too. As far as I know a feminizing HRT on a normal male feels really bad and wrong, where we experience it as a liberation. And just because the hormones cope with our brain wiring. They play together like an orchestra and liberate our inner self to step outside.
    The shrinks specialized in the GID know this and they could use hormones to test the diagnosis. And actually they do, in my case I get first my diagnosis, then the HRT and finally, if everything is okay, my female status. And they close the case.
