So this happens to be the first forum that i am posting in. I was referred to here by my wife's friends and I think this will be a great place to know more people from the community around the world. Being married to the most wonderful woman who happens to be trans, I have always wanted to meet more people and contribute in any way I can. So bring on the greetings!
I hope that we Trans people can become friends, support and be of use to you, and give you some idea of why we are driven to take this path.
Ours is a lonely life; but, we associate in the UK with the understanding and ( generally ) kind Lesbian, Gay and cross-dressing community for sympathy, support and company. It is not enjoyable sitting in a bar, club or restaurant alone.
I suppose that as a person who has no interest in men whatsoever, and enjoys the company of women, that National Statistics classify me as a Lesbian - well they have to 'label' you as something; and, they can call me whatever they like, just as long as they don't call me "early", and as long as it does not increase my Tax-liability !
I have some really lovely, kind and loyal Transvestite friends; but, they have no comprehension of the Transsexual's obligatory path ( when the internal programme inevitably clicks in, if we live long enough ).
Well, that's enough for now. I am off to make a cup of tea.
Kind Regards,
I hope we becmoe good friends Hannah. Thanks for the comment. Looking forward to knowing you better
Hi Chris.
I am just picking random posts of members that have vanished. When you came here you seemed pleased to be here.
Would you mind if you have a few minutes saying why you have not returned and what changed your mind? .
Take care x