
    • 2573 posts
    September 4, 2010 1:29 AM BST
    Herbals, effectiveness aside, there is almost no way to know you are getting reliable dosages.

    • 2573 posts
    September 4, 2010 11:37 PM BST
    The moderators for this forum were chosen based on their attitude of caution in the use of hormonal medicines, their history of advising medical consultation and their knowledgeand experience regarding the use of hormones.

    You might find it interesting to know that there is no medical textbook that is written to assist doctors in administering hormones to transitioning TS. This knowledge is learned in a roundabout way through understanding gg hormonal medicine and through experience treating TS.

    Near the end of my doubting period I had my testosterone levels done to rule out possible hormonal influences that might be causing my "gender shift". T = 400. This allowed me to completely accept what my head knew. It was not some age-related medical changes. Since Marsha pointed out that these were not even as high as some post-herbal treatment subjects, I have to agree their levels were high and subject to objective doubts as to efficacy of herbal treatments. Note the qualifications in my statements. I do not pretend to KNOW the answers.

    • 2573 posts
    September 4, 2010 11:51 PM BST

    Your post was not deleted. It was temporarily hidden while, like all posts that are challenged, the required 3 mod agreement was obtained. Some posts are kept hidden, some are restored in their entirety, some are partially restored. These things take time but that is for the protection of the posters, to ensure one person cannot decide about a post. Your post is still under discussion. We do not take permanently hiding posts lightly.
  • September 5, 2010 3:44 PM BST
    I don't think Cass or anyone was saying Lucy or Marsha were Professors, or endo's. but they have taken the trouble to find out about their own particular needs and have a good understanding, it is right that so many general practitioners don't have a clue when it comes to hormones for male to female transitioning, but bet Lucy and Marsha could give them a bloody good education. There is a lot of substantiated documentation on the effects of various hormones, ie. natural, for transitioning, based on results and in some cases detrimental effects, The difference being with plant extracts, herbals, I have spent some time looking for positive study reports... thats independant unbiased reports and only come across negative ones, when it comes to male to female transitioning. Conducted by people like Lucy and Marsha through there own studies and also studies done by universities and scientific lab test reports. Some of which have been reprinted verbatum in other threads on this forum. Regarding lucys remarks about androcure androease, I'm sure somewhere I discovered that they contain. ingrediants from a plant from northern Thailand. extracted from the white root of the Puria Mirafica plant. a clinial test report was published somwhere in another post in this forum.
    • 1017 posts
    September 7, 2010 2:19 AM BST
    Hi Marsha,

    Bust looks fine, but, err, what are you fishing for from a 3rd floor condo?

  • September 7, 2010 11:37 AM BST
    This thread has meandered, deviated and basically lost the plot. Trine lists a whole load of adverse effects of Generic mones. I can' even be bothered to list AGAIN the clinical reports regarding herbals, from Various agencies, All I know is checking the ISO numbers, for one particular herbal product is that it is a water proofing treatment for concrete. the pushers claims it was endorsed by the WHO (World Health Organisation) was absolute rubbish. Logically any product that was so great would be grabbed by the major pharmeseutical companies, tested and endorsed and readily available from any drug store and doctors and endos would give people the options. Think Julia is right some people go on line and come up with some half baked ideas and rubbish becoming more embroiled in pushing their point of view rather than sticking to the facts.. Anyone please print a valid and reputable report from some well established agency on the pros for transitioning on herbals. Because so far I have not read anything that is valid.. from an independant source.
  • September 7, 2010 3:12 PM BST
    Yawn, Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    • Moderator
    • 1652 posts
    September 13, 2010 3:54 PM BST
    Whilst I’m tending to agree with Cris’s last post, I have to pick up on a few quotes from Trine:
    And my point with relations to hormones is that for TS, they will only have "effect" for a relatively short time of 3-5 years and when it comes to breast growth, maybe as short as a year.
    Entirely made up. I’m over 5 years on hormones and am still achieving breast growth at the same gradual rate as I always have, just as my mum did. Some natal women get quite fast and seemingly sudden breast growth, many grow slowly and gradually. All women will experience changes from hormones for many years after the onset of puberty, breast growth does not take one or two years, and will not stop after this time. There is no reason why natal males on hormones should grow breasts quicker than natal females. They don’t. It takes many years to achieve full growth and hormones do not stop affecting you, ever.
    truly oestradiol is nothing else than salt…
    Except that it is oestradiol, not salt. Salt does not feminise the body. You should not put oestrogen on your chips.
    if you take oestradiol it might convert to testosterone…
    That is not possible, it will not. It is possible for testosterone in the human body to convert to oestrogen, but not the other way round.
    Well at least phytoestrogens… have been there for thousands of years and has always been part of our body.
    Phyto-oestrogens are oestrogens found in plants, not in humans, they are not part of our body unless we eat them. Human oestrogen on the other hand HAS always been part of the body for thousands of years!
    I’m not defending the use of herbals…
    You are practically advertising the use of herbals. Whilst everyone has the right to their opinion, we do not allow individuals to endlessly make posts expounding their supposed benefits. We have genuine, good reasons for this shocking restriction on freedom of speech. For your own reasons you believe they are wonderful, I think we all get that. I don’t believe they are wonderful, I don’t go on about it.
    Regardless of my opinions, you will not be allowed to endlessly post about how wonderful herbs are, I hope you understand.

    As Rebeccas said:
    It's a dangerous fantasy to believe these are a safe alternative.
    Bio-identical hormones are actually extracted from the same plants as some herbal hormones, yet they are modified to remove toxins and to make them the same as human hormones. Make no mistake, herbal hormones are not food, they are plant extracts and may be extremely toxic.
    It’s ironic that some people assume hormones are dangerous whilst herbals are safe, when they may be extracted from the same plant.
    Any suggestion that hormones are essentially dangerous is misleading scaremongery. Trine’s very long list of possible side-effects is clearly nothing more than that. If my vagina starts bleeding I will of course let you know.
    We all have a right to express our views and opinions, but on important subjects such as this we should never dress them up as being fact.
    Any suggestion that hormones are ineffective and herbals are “better” is not based on fact, but almost certainly on other motivations.
    You may post your opinions on herbals here, but when it starts to sound like you are selling them, your posts will be edited or hidden.
    Thanks for your understanding.
  • March 4, 2012 4:33 AM GMT
    Do t blockers work without hormone treatments?