Shopping! What else!?

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    Quick update to my last entry, s/o know's about and fully supports the upcoming weekend I hope to be having soon, so with that in mind we discussed the notion of daytime clothes, as many of mine are more suited to evenings. I have a couple of skirts that can be worn dressed up or fairly casual so we decided to go and find a couple of tops to go with them. Found a really nice pale pink one in Clockhouse and picked up a white jumper as well, both of which I think look good but more importantly, my wife agrees. I am lucky to be able to get the opinion of a GG.

    Looking forward to wearing them both out as soon as possible now.

    Also went to find some new boots as well but couldn't find any that I liked or that suited me, oh well, I shouldn't complain, there's always next week!

    Nikki x