One year at TW

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    Well, it's been a year since I joined this site and I have to say it has been great. Unfortunately after only about a week, due to ISP problems I was unable to get into chat for all that time but since changing providers in March, I've more than made up for it!! lol

    What that did give me the chance to do was to browse and contribute to the forums here which I found to be very informative. I learnt from them, and was able to offer my two cents of wisdom as well, who knows, someone may have actually found it useful!

    I have seen a lot of friends go through their transitioning process, which is wonderful for them but difficult for me. I would love to join them and become a woman, legally and physically myself but have chosen for personal reasons not to. Don't think that this was an easy decision or that it makes me any less TS, I have just simply found a different solution than others.

    *Steps down from soap box*

    I honestly don't know where I would be without this site right now. I have some lovely friends here who brighten my day whenever I chat with them, (Kayla, Trisha, Justine, Paula and many others), and I look forward to the day when I can meet them properly.

    I will continue to pay my annual fee and take my very femme hat off to Katie for bringing us all together.


    Nikki x