Don't blame the hostesses

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    Interesting to see how Sammi's disappearance from the site led to finger pointing and blame culture in the forums..............

    I know Sammi and I know how much she enjoyed this place and I agree that it has changed but it happens. I had a whinge last year about pretty much the same thing but nothing stays the same and it would be pretty boring if it did. As head of Chat, the blame was directed to Lillienne but I think that is unfair. Anyone who uses Chat influences it and if it isn't to your liking don't blame the hostess! I have been in there and it has been buzizng, other days, it is dead as the proverbial dodo and noone seems to want to respond to questions or chit chat. It's just the way it is sometimes.

    As for Sammi, she is obviously going through some major personal issues right now and I will be in touch with her over that. I hope she is able to sort herself out as I know what she is capable of doing to herself and I'm sure none of us want to see the consequences of that.
