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    I admit, Karen Brad kind of shamed me into writing this, but I haven't been able to spend time on blogs lately. I know people will say 'it's only ten minutes' but when you have a hectic schedule already, ten minutes can be pretty hard, if not impossible to find.

    So, what's new? Well, for the musicians out there, I just bought a Marshall JVM 410 which sounds pretty awesome. I've been setting it up and am looking forward to rehearsals tomorrow so it can be played for real and at gig volumes.

    I met a couple of friends who hadn't seen me for a while and there reaction was interesting. The male friend was trying to deny anything much had changed and didn't question at all, while the female friend just shrugged and said, 'oh well, still the same person inside' and it didn't matter at all to her. I have yet to have anyone give me odd looks or call me some kind of freak or whatever. As I have said before, it's the fear of coming out that stops many, all of those 'what might happen if...' in reality, it isn't a big deal.

    Well, that's my week blogged in very short and hopefully not boring order.

    Nikki x