Bad girl!

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    I'm bad, I used to blog in here all the time and now I don't seem to. Makes a change for me not to have something to say? Actually, it's more a case of finding the time.

    Well, I am enjoying a restfull week with the family away seeing relatives in the UK, I have only me to look after, (though I'm pretty high maintenance)! I do miss them of course, but at the same time, these moments of bliss and quiet don't happen very often in this household so I am making the most of it.

    I was chatting to a male friend of mine, (I don't want to call him a TA), and we realised that we have been communicating one way or another for over two years now..........hooray for the internet, as he lives in NZ it would be pretty impossible to maintain those friendships without it.

    I have also had a number of friends suddenly 'drop off', and noone seems to know where they are. Okay this happens, and in one case, he's a very big boy so I'm not worried about their safety or anything, I think it's more a case of moving on. Particularly when they can make friends more locally. It makes sense so I'm not sulking over it. Then again there are those who I have really only just got to know reasonably well, but I hope to stay in touch with them as time goes by.

    Okay, my first blog in ages, I must try and do this more often again.

    Nikki x