What a week!

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    Firstly, my daughter had an absolutely glowing school report, they simply couldn't find fault with her and she is the top of the class! Apparantly, she's a bit of a natural leader too, which doesn't surprise me at all.

    Then today she was awarded her bronze swimming award, not bad for a five year old really. I'm so very proud of her.

    Even the electrolysis is enjoyable now. It was so relaxing on Saturday that I almost fell asleep.

    On an entirely different note, one of my friends has just undergone SRS and is recovering well. Pretty groggy still but the surgeon has said there were no complications so I'm wishing her a good speedy recovery and look forward to visiting her soon, (if only to bitch about it being 'not fair')! lol

    On Monday the Christmas markets open, which for anyone who is familiar with them, you will know how lovely they are, and really add to the sense of Christmas. They last for a month, which is lovely, as there is nothing worse than feeling Christmas has come and gone so quickly.

    Not to mention the Gluhwein, taken purely medicinally in order to keep warm of course.

    Nikki x