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    What can I do for you? All I do is take and never give back to any of you.  Tressa must hate me by now because every time I'm sad I call her. Do I do anything for any of you?

    I need to count my blessings, of which there are many. You girls are part of that. I'm sorry if it seems as if I'm self-centered. I wish I could make you as happy as you make me.  I know I have these little mood swings.

    SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE ME A LOBOTOMY.  "I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes."  HELP ME!!!!!!!!!  However, if you haven't yet, please do see "Love Actually."   It's just, sh*t, I CAN'T GET THAT DAMN SONG OUT OF MY HEAD!!!!!  I keep hearing the original version as was in "Four Weddings and a Funeral" (which wasn't all that good - all the funny stuff was in the previews so the movie itself was a bore).

    I just want you all to know how much I feel about you.