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    I'm surprised I'm even awake right now.  I started to fall asleep around 8:30 last night, then woke up 3 hours later.  It looked like another night of insomnia, so I moved again into the other room.  Amazingly enough, I did get some sleep.  I had nasty dreams, though.  One was a nightmare, and the other was just plain upsetting.  In the dream my wife was dumping me. I told her about it this morning and she looked at me like I was crazy (well, I am crazy, but that's beside the point). She's not going anywhere. She did give me a hard time about not meditating like I should be doing. Thanks for all your comments about my relationship. I'm not trying to rush her into anything, even if recently we did resume our sex life.  She has no desire to come here to TW and I'm not going to raise the issue.

    There might be some good news in my life.  Tonight I start training for that new school (I've mentioned this in past blogs). I'm actually not dreading it.  Also, I heard from ABC-CLIO, an academic reference materials firm. I wrote two chapters on the history of railroads for them - concentrating on the labor movement - and it looks like I'll finally see my check in a few weeks.  Lord knows I need it.  The money is already promised to others.  Still, it will help.  With school starting up soon, maybe things will start to improve.  I sent off my manuscript to that third publisher.  While U of I Press wants exclusive consideration, I've been jerked around by publishers before so I'm protecting myself.

    It looks like a long dress for today.  It's going to be cool again, and possibly rainy.  Yes!  My kind of day!

    One last thing here - I love seeing those pictures of the TM!  You all looked so gorgeous!