I'm gonna take a shotgun to them, I swear

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    I am so tired right now. Last night was the first of four training nights at my newest school. While I appreciate some of the sessions as a good orientation program, I truly wonder how well things will go.  They made some unfair and unjust jabs at "traditional" education that I was very tempted to refute.  I kept my big mouth shut (for once).  A lot of what they said was actually contradictory in terms of educational techniques. On one hand they think that academics who do a lot of research don't care much about students, only themselves, but yet if we publish anything, or attend a conference, etc., they want to know so they can brag about how their teachers keep up with scholarship. I teach history - we can be cut-and-dry (as in just names and dates), or, like with me, often theoretical, embracing complex ideas, discussing interpretations, or just telling amusing historical anecdotes. In all fairness, they do allow the teacher to be an individual, just not TOO MUCH of an individual.  Instead of being a "teacher" they want us to be "the guide on the side."  Hey, this is higher education!  It is my job to help them along and to be in charge. There is a measure of self-learning involved on any education level.  They just don't like the teacher to be too much in charge of their classes, and have said so in their handbook.  Oh, the very idea!  They also discourage the use of exams.  One woman said "How am I supposed to know what they know?" She teaches math!  They said in her case exams were fine to use.

    The other history dude from the assessment program (see past blogs) was there, too. Before I thought he was okay, and now we're becoming friends.  When it came to moronic group exercises yesterday they separated us. I think they're afraid of us banding together.  Me and him see eye to eye on all this.  History is not just names and dates!  There is a measure of creativity involved when teaching a college course. I do appreciate the chance to teach at yet another school, so I will just play along and collect my paycheck.  Who knows - it just might be a lot of fun.  Just wait till they see me in a class, wearing my beat-up gym shoes and sitting on top of a table with my legs crossed as I lecture!  They will like my group work, though. Maybe I'm just being a crybaby since I'm so used to having total control of my classes.

    Anyhow, girls, I'm feeling a little better today since I have all this stuff coming up.  Finances will suck for the next few weeks, so hopefully something will come in to tide me over until classes start again.  Today is cool again, so it looks like another long skirt!