Please forgive me

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    Girls, today was not a good day.

    Okay, finances are in the toilet and I'm fighting to save all we have.....okay, f' that.. now, IT'S MEREDITH THE ASSHOLE!!!!

    At the school where we drop her off, there's this circular little thingy that cars drive around.  Parking is not allowed there.  Bu they do it anyway, blocking the road, which means we have to wait until they come back to their cars.  TWICE today I got into a verbal argument with people blocking the way.  Both were nasty and used foul words.  I am very guilty of of being a jerk, although they started the fight.  I could have let it go.  I am writing a letter tonight to one of the people, apologizing.  Then, on the way home, some asshole clipped our minivan, damaging the mirror.  We both stopped, but that person suddenly drove off.  I tried to chase him down (STUPID IDEA!) but he got away.  He/she shoud fix our car.  Now I have two damaged mirrors, a bad mood, and a HUGE guilty conscience.

    Ealier I apologized to my family.  Lovely.  Right or wrong, I acted the fool.  Do you know how much I hate myself?

    Great. Girls, I'm trying hard. Why can't I stop being a fucking asshole, even if I didn't start the fight? I was just protecting myself.  Yet, I was in a mellow mood, a loving mood, but I changed in a heartbeat.  Please forgive me.