And awaaaaaaayyyyyyyy we go!!!!

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    Tomorrow starts the new autumn term at my main part-time school. I was at first a full time visiting assistant professor (temporary, that is) and they asked me to stay on. Then they had a full time slot, and I was first in line. The university president killed the job due to budget reasons. Tomorrow should have been the start of my second full time PERMANENT year. Oh well. They do look out for me, and for that I will be eternally grateful. So, tomorrow I start back again on a part-time basis. And I am ready! I'm giving them my all!  HERE COMES PROFESSOR MEREDITH!!!

    It's getting somewhat, not much, better, around the house.  NO OFFENSE HERE TO MY UK GIRLFRIENDS: I love reading books, watching plays, movies, etc. But I have a special hatred towards dramas involving the so-called British "aristocracy." First of all, I'm an Anarchist and do not believe in the class system. I HATE these damn dramas taken from sources like Jane Austin, etc., that portray these worthless assholes as better than us, even though they do nothing to contribute to this world!  ANYWAY - we watched "Sense and Sensibility" last night - it was my first viewing. I love Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman, can barely tolerate Hugh Grant, but, DAMN!!!! - What about the working classes who support these self-indulgent people???? Sorry if I offend anyone right now. I'm trying not to go over the top. I don't believe in "royalty" or the "better class of people."  We certainly have that here in the States, like that absolutely worthless Kennedy family.  Yes, I am foul mouthed at times. But I refuse to feel as if they are better because a group of jerks with guns years ago forced others to accept these notions of a class system. CONFESSION; I did like "Howard's End," and any movie directed by Kenneth Branagh (did I spell that right?).  LONG LIVE KEN RUSSELL!!!!!!

    But right now I crave intimacy. It is coming back around here. Somewhat. I don't mean physical intimacy at all times, either, but also emotional.  Yes, I am perpetually horny and am ready to screw at a moment's notice. But I also need that reassurance.  What I would give for one night of passion right now.

    I spoke to Tressa today for the first time in a few weeks.  She's doing okay. She needs a lot of support right now. So does Maria, Christina, Fay Alex, JJ, Nena, and all the TW girls. But this is for many reasons.  Life is closing in on us, and more than ever we need to stick together.  Thank you all for helping me.  I feel as if I'm sleeping alone tonight, yet I'm not.  Bless you all for your support.  I'm cuddling under the blankets, feeling you all next to me.