Getting a handle on it

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    In an hour I'll be making my way to the airport to pick up my wife.  I have to have someone take over my 1:30 class.  Things were really good until a little row last night.  Both her and her sister were making accusations of my being insecure about this business trip she had to take (her sister was more subtle). While I'm not thrilled with the trip, which lasted barely 48 hours, I wasn't being a jerk about it, nor did I make any accusations of goofing around!  I'm hoping there's no problems for the car ride home.

    I do hate these trips partly because my life is so droll.  The last real trip I took was last November for a job interview in Louisiana.  I was gone one whole night. Seeing her take those occasion trips - most of which she hates - just reminds me of how housebound I am.

    But that's what happens whenever people are together, whether as friends, spouses, lovers, etc.  There's bound to be discord at one point or another.

    Damn, it is hot in this classroom.  Which means some of the students are, shall we say, scantily clad.  I am doing a good job of not looking.  I'm not looking I'm not looking I'm not looking (I'll just keep telling myself that).