Still breathless

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    First, an apology: I know damn well you care about me, and for that I love you.  I shouldn't have posted that blog but I was desperate.  My typing was horrible!  However, I am still having breathing problems and I hope I make it through the baptism I am attending today.  I might need to go to the hospital.

    Second, AND FOREMOST (saving the best for last): Thank you.  I love you.  Thank you all for dealing with my terrible insecurities and making me feel like I'm a person.  I don't know what I would do if it wasn't for you (now that sounds like a baaaaaaaddddd song lyric!). My breaths are shorter and shorter, but I think I'll get through it as long as I have my little inhaler.

    Well, the Cubs ONCE AGAIN snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, but the Bears are playing the Vikings, and after last week's trouncing of Green Bay (a very lovely area in the States), they are going to KICK ASS!!!!