Slowly getting there

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    Hi all.  I'm doing a bit better right now.  I could use some more sleep and my head hurts a bit.  When that happens, especially on a Monday, I get all melancholy and feel nothing but gloom and doom.  My wife gave me a little talking to about taking better care of myself.  I really should.

    AN ANSWER TO NURSE PIPPA: I do these marathon days because I don't know how to better balance my life.  If I don't feel like I'm accomplishing something on a regular basis I hate myself.  I have this constant need to validate my life, so I push myself too hard. I need to learn how to moderate my work. But if I should need a nurse, will you wear those cute outfits you have in your piccies?

    I did a "Jeopardy" style of review today.  The students always love it.  I finally have it on Powerpoint, too!  Their first exam is Wednesday, and one or two students wants it open book (no way!) or to get rid of the essay format.

    I've been in touch more with that dude at Staffordshire University.  He wants me to submit a proposal to him before he can offer any sort of contract.  That sounds completely normal to me.  I thought it seemed awfully easy at first to get a book deal!