Trying not to get too excited

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    I'm by myself again tonight.  My wife had to go downstate for some stupid training and rode down with a co-worker, an absolute waste of mankind. I have no jealousies about that whatsoever because it was either ride down with Mr. Arrogant or waste a whole day on the train. But she'll be back tomorrow.

    I brought my daughter with me to school today again since she had to day off. She once more dazzled everyone and was even making fun of me in my second class.  She wrote stuff on the board (while I was lecturing, mind you) like "My dad is a chatterbox" and "My dad is crazy."

    Although nobody has mentioned it, I do not say things about myself as a way to get attention. Most of the time when I refer to myself as "psycho" I more mean it in the joking sense. But I do wish I could stop doing certain stupid things.  I am seeing a psychologist to deal with my insecurities.  I have such a long way to go, especially before I like myself.

    Last week I made a comment about this one school who ALMOST hired me.  It's a damn good school, too, and they have another new spot open. As I said, I contacted the person from last year to see what I should do.  She not only responded in an encouraging way, she forwarded my message on to the person in charge of this year's hiring. Well, to cut to the chase, the new person went and found my file from last year.  That's a surprise when you consider how quickly people throw things out.  Apparently they did keep my information.  She told me simply to submit my latest resume and my application will be considered complete.  Great.  Now I'm bouncing off the walls with hope.  Yet I should be careful because I've been disappointed too many times.  Keep your fingers crossed.  That's the job I want more than the others.

    My best love to all of you.  Thank you for helping me.