Some serious problems

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    Girls, don't be surprised if I don't come back for a while because I'm put away. Maybe an asylum is the best place.

    First of all, I am choking again.  My asthma is coming back full force.  My breathing is more labored than ever.  She told me that if I don't make a doctor's appointment she's filing for divorce.

    But I am also doing something else.  Every now and then I sleep walk.  When I do so, I say things that I would never dream of saying ever.   Last Saturday I did something like that, calling her a nasty name and accusing her of the unthinkable (neither of which are true).  I didn't know I did that until later when she told me.  Apparently just now I just did something else in my sleep, and my face was being slapped to wake me up. It woke me up, and in disgrace I left the room.

    I have no idea what is wrong, only that I did something wrong.  This is why I am a psycho.  I know I'll find out later, but I cannot face them.  I am sleepy and fully aware of myself right now.  I will sleep in the back in the cold room, away from them.

    God, do I hate myself.  Why do I do this?