Meredith to the rescue! Well, maybe

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    Well, this is interesting. Okay, that school I used to bitch about and then liked... I'm bitching again...

    As I mentioned before, my next class at that latest school started last night. It was at this VERY ritzy Chicago downtown hotel. They have a main campus out in the suburbs, but their off-site facilities are still in development, which is why this class was at this place.  I went there last night under the illusion - FOOLISHLY - that I would have the same set-up.  NO F'G WAY!!!!  NOTHING WAS THERE OTHER THAN A LITTLE HOTEL MEETING ROOM AND PITCHERS OF WATER!!!  IS THIS WHAT STUDENTS PAY TO RECEIVE FOR AN EDUCATION?!?!?!?!?!?

    Girls, I pride myself on being ready for anything, and I was.  This school rammed it down our throats about visuals and emphasizing Powerpoint demonstrations (which I do think are good to use), but they offered me NO computer support there.  Hell, a computer at all would have helped. I had to suddenly improvise a 4-hour class without the necessary tools.  I had 20 minutes to get it all together because they failed to provide adequate accomodations.  But it all worked out. Before I knew it, we were almost at the dismissal point. I'm going to pat myself on the back - I WAS GREAT!!!!

    But while there I got depressed.  When we were engaged we spent Valentine's weekend there, even seeing "Phantom of the Opera."  (That is a story in itself - and a beautiful one at that). Then I saw these fancy restaurants and bars, and all I could think was how I can't take her out like that.

    Anyhow, to stop talking about me, those of you who are hurting inside, I am sorry. My shoulder is here for any of you at any time.  Take good care. I love you.