Bad to worse

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    Pity party again.

    The field trip with the ladies the other day went fantastic. I felt I really helped their understanding of history by taking them to that museum. They loved it.

    But life doesn't like me to be happy very long. Yesterday was okay for a while. My nighttime class had a whopping 50% attendance. The mentor was there. He not only turned out to be nice, but he also participated in the class discussions, and didn't stay long. But after a point the class was going nowhere, so I finished up and got home early.

    But then today set in. There is still some fallout from last Friday's terrible night. Plus, me and my daughter were mad at each other, even with some yelling (she can sure hold her own and she's not 7 yet!). There were missing papers, uniforms, etc.  Then I get to school in a lovely mood.  Called my wife and that turned out to be a stupid mistake.  I went to the local store to get a breakfast sandwich and almost had to fight them to give me a damn bag to carry it in!  Then I get to school (not my main one) only to find out that I'm not scheduled for next semester.  After all I've done to help with the program and they couldn't even tell me I won't be back. I found out by reading the list of courses.  Not one word of warning.

    I feel kicked in the teeth big time.  I couldn't feel much lower than I do now.  I have no life, no career, just everything f's up from one end to the other. My wife says she does not want to separate but I'm beginning to think it's for the best. She doesn't need me hanging around bringing her down.  I have class coming up and I just want to go home and cry.