I'm trying

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    I haven't blogged for a few days because I really didn't, and maybe don't, have too much to say.  Things are far, far better around the house, as I wrote a few days ago.  I especially need to let go of things.  When an apology has been made, I shouldn't feel the need to say it again and again. And if things are going great, there's no reason to rub that in, either - just go with the good feelings.  Anna-Maria called me again the other night to make sure I was fine. Yes, I'm getting there.

    I haven't done much research work this week because the house has been a bit of a sick ward (except for me) and I had my teaching.  Yesterday I stopped off again at the Hindu temple. I had two reasons - 1) Let them know I was bringing in a group of college kids for a field trip, and 2) Pay my respects to Krishna. Then, with discussing the Bhagavad Gita yesterday, I felt/feel pretty good.

    Today I stayed home to be close to the phone in case my kid got sick at school. But I put it to good use. I contacted one publisher of an encyclopedia for whom I wrote some articles. I hadn't heard a word from them although the volumes were released.  My pieces are in there, but they couldn't find my contract for the payment (such as it is). No problem, easily solved. Then I made another contact about obtaining sources for my second book, then tried to negotiate again for my first book. On top of it all, I could dress today, and one of the little Maidenform treats I ordered for myself arrived just a few minutes ago.

    I hope to get a nap in as I have a class to do tonight. Then, tomorrow, after my shrink, more research.

    THIS JUST IN- I posted the above blog about an hour ago. Since then I received interesting news. I have been talking lately how things are stalemate at my main school and that I might leave. Two years ago it looked as if they were going to possibly hire me full-time but the funding was killed. Now the chair got in touch with me a few minutes ago. The spot is back on and they want me to reapply. No, there is no guarantee I'll get it, nor should I expect it guaranteed. Yet, well, here we go again.  Another couple of months of having my heart torn up until I know for sure.