And I'm back

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    I'll try to be brief.  Knowing me, though, it ain't happening.

    Had a terrible night's sleep Sunday.  Got up at 4:30 a.m. and jumped in the cab 20 minutes later. I was sooooo tired when I got to the airport.  I slept a little on the plane to Atlanta.  Then I had to drive about 2 hours south to get to the town. Wow, and what a southern town it was!  But the campus is beautiful! It has such character.

    They put me up in this 1890s house on campus.  After getting the key from Campus Security I went in.  It was - and no exaggeration here - just like a living history museum, the type we would see on a tour.  The furniture was all antique, the paintings, a statue, oh was actually a little creepy! But the TV had cable (both the television and Meredith!). The bed was comfy.  But, girls, I felt so alone. No-one was there but me, and while I like my private times, I felt so lonely, especially without my family.  I missed them so much and cried a few times. My daughter cried on the phone because she missed me so much.  Plus she wanted to know what present I was going to bring her!

    The next day was the interview.  I met the department chair, a wonderful man from Zimbabwe. Then came my class presentation.  I'm not all that happy with it, but, then again, I always say that.  They then asked me questions, then came lunch. Then (to use the word "then" again) I met with the school President and the Vice President of Academic Affairs.  I was great.  I even made the President laugh a few times.  Got a great tour of both the main campus and the one 30 miles away.  After that the chair took me to dinner. The cutest young Georgia girl was our waitress. The total time spent on this experience was 8 hours, the most thorough interview experience I ever had. The next morning I was up VERY early, drove back to Atlanta, then took the plane home.  It took me a total of 8 hours to get home, including waiting at the airport since I got there earlier than expected. I am so exhausted today, and I have a class to teach tonight.

    I sure had some of that southern hospitality. I sent my thank you notes today.  The chair said they all thought I did a fine job.  Still, I won't know for a few weeks, but I do know I have his vote. So this is the summary of it all.  It was a great experience.  Plus, things are good at home, and we might have found a solution to a very serious problem concerning our finances. 

    Next up - the interview with my main school, whenever that will be.