Why I've been gone.

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    My exile lately is not because I don't love you all anymore. I just stayed away because I didn't want to bring any more nonsense here. I know you all say "That's what we're here for," and "you can talk to us anytime," but doesn't it get tiring to hear the same crap from me over and over? I just figure to step away and give everyone some peace.

    Lately she's really been attacking me about being TG. Don't get me wrong here - I've gotten in my digs, too. I certainly went and said things to hurt and made (false) accusations, so I'm hardly an innocent victim. It really goes up and down. Things were good yesterday for a while but ended up horribly.

    I didn't mention this, but when I got back from my Georgia trip I received some unpleasant news that, quite frankly, I don't want to talk about now. It's nothing really earth-shattering, but, still, I didn't care to get that news just after coming back from a good interview trip. It was actually somewhat embarrassing. But I will take this little setback and make it into something good.

    Had a talk with a lawyer on Saturday about how to reorganize our finances. If I should get either of these two jobs it would be a blessing.

    So this weekend we're supposed to drive to her mom's for Easter. I really wonder if I should go and just stay home all alone. I'm still thinking about it. I think a little trip would help. Maybe.