Piece of dirt - That is all I'm standing on today

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    I love They Might Be Giants

    I went to that "open house" job interview after the phone interview. They had the pay range listed on the board. It was insulting low, and I would actually lose money by taking the job. I left before the BS indoctrination talk. Another BS talk. Shit. No wonder I can't get anything. I couldn't spot their BS in advance, and that makes me mad. I should have seen it.

    My wife took our daughter to work with her for a few hours because we couldn't find a sitter. My kid is a good kid, so there was no problem  Everyone loves my daughter. I was going to meet my wife anyway after the interview to help her out with picking up items she was using for a conference. The store was at the heart of what is known as "The Magnificent Mile." After that we took the little princess to lunch. It was nice. But I had to apologize to Karen for my being so f'g stupid not to see that company's nonsense in advanace.

    I won't go into details, but the area of the aborted interview was where me and my wife used to goof around every now and then. Whether it was her looking for her wedding gown, a specialty paper store, or, after the marriage, meeting a friend for lunch at a cozy little place we used to go to when me and Karen were engaged, you name it. Every memory flooded back.

    Now my hope is slipping, and all I can do is think of 12 years ago. Now I'm nothing but a screwed over washed up Tranny piece of shit.