Here we go again

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    She got back fine from her trip, and the reunion was argument-free. I hope this can continue.

    I had a horrible night with insomnia. Too much to worry about.

    I got a call from a local community college requesting copies of my transcripts (a standard procedure). Apparently they want to give me some classes. The school is not only close by, but I worked there once in the Human Resources department as part of a temporary assignment. The boss wound up hating me and ending the assignment! I can't wait to see the look on her face when I show up! She was such a jerk. I was actually thinking of asking my agency for a new assignment by the time she got around to sacking me.

    Then something else happened yesterday. I received a phone call from a very good university. They have a one-year visiting assistant professor position. I applied last week and already they want to talk to me. So I'll have that phone interview today. If that goes well I know I'll be invited on campus. Sure, it's in another state, but if offered I'll take it. I'll be away from home a little.

    I finished a whole set of encyclopedia articles, much to the joy of the publisher because they were on time. My first pieces were already accepted without requests for changes.

    So, here we go again...........