The little things

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    Just a quick one before the weekend.

    Anna-Marie, hang in there. Just because some uptight bureaucratic a'hole doesn't know what he's doing does not mean you are a failure. You'll accomplish that goal.

    My school finally opened its downtown campus, so we're no longer holding class in hotel meeting rooms. BUT THEY DIDN'T HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY READY FOR ME LAST NIGHT!!!!  Oh well, that's okay. I was prepared for that situation. They gave us all a little gift of either a backpack or a book bag (I chose the book bag - nice!), and had a nice little spread for us to eat.

    IT'S A GO!  I spoke with the publisher contact the other day, so I am now officially the editor and chief contributor to an upcoming book tentatively called The Jazz Age. No, I won't see any money for a while, and I still have to line up some contributors, but, hey, that's part of the process.

    I met with another local school the other day. They liked me and want me to teach for them. Hopefully soon if they have the classes. I'll know in about two weeks. They're really going to try to work me into the schedule.

    So the little things are trickling in. But, and not to be complaining, it's still not enough to keep things going around here. I still need the BIG JOB.

    I'm also still hoping I won't have to leave my house for about a week or so.  But if that's what it takes to show her I'm sincere, I guess I'll do it.