Greetings from Detroit

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    Hello all,

    Yes, it's been a while.  I have little, or no computer access, so my time here on TW is extremely limited.  I'm sorry for not keeping up with your blogs.

    I am here in Detroit, visiting Karen Brad for New Years.  Wow, is this fun!  I am sooooooo glad I came out here.  It's so nice to finally be who I am.  Karen better watch it or half of her stuff will be missing when I leave.  Wait, I can't do that.  She's a member of the MSS, which means her stuff (for the moment) is off limits.  I'm cooking tonight's dinner, which I am so looking forward to doing.  As for an outfit, hmmmm.......I'll just have to decide, won't I?

    Happy New Years to all my sisters.  While 2005 was a living horror for me, you girls helped pull me through.  I'll never forget your love and friendship.  I don't deserve such wonderful friends like you.

    I hope 2006 is happy and healthy for you all.

    Love, Meredith the Psycho Ninja