The next few days

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    I got a call last week from a living history farm museum.  I worked for one some years back.  I would have enjoyed that more if the boss and manger weren't such a royal assholes.  I interviewed with this other museum two years ago and didn't get the job.  It came open again.  Figuring I had nothing to lose I reapplied.  They called me and want to do a phone interview on Tuesday.  Hey, why not?  It's part-time and I know/hope I can work it in with my teaching duties.

    As for the new school I'm at, the jerk who has the key to the office I'm supposed to use never leaves it in the Department office, which means I can't get in there.  If he does it one more time I'm going to get his name and have a little chat with him.  Then, I was given permission to use these library computer terminals.  Until Thursday.  Some woman there told me that I can't use it now.  So, I have no office, no resources, nothing.  I complained to the chair about it. In a very nice way, though.  It was frustrating as hell.  But so far the term started off fine.  The students really seem willing to learn.

    I have been trying like hell to raise a ton of cash these past few weeks.  I failed. I have about 24 hours to come up with something and it doesn't look good. We're in serious danger of losing the house, even if I don't live there anymore.  There's still a chance at a reprieve. Maybe.  My soon-to-be-ex hates me more than ever.  She won't give me back my clothes that she found (and originally told me she threw out).  I guess I'll get them back eventually.

    While some things are looking up, something very grim could happen this week.  Plus, things at my folks went back to being stressful.  JJ once said to me that my life always seems to be in extremes - I'm either really happy or really miserable.  She's right.