Welcome to my life

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    It looks like any devastating storm has blown over.  For now.

    We scrambled like hell earlier this week and were able to come up with some money.  The fact that she hasn't called to bitch at me tells me it worked.  The house is still ours.  For now.

    Valentine's Day was terribly lonely.  I did get to talk to my daughter, and apparently she's made a gift for me (I gave her a Barbie doll).  While I treasure my solitude, I do miss having a person in my life.  I miss sleeping next to someone.  All I've been doing now for six months is sleeping on couches.  Plus, my dad is cranky 24/7, so thank God/Buddha/Krishna for my teaching gig.  I stay out of the house a LOT.  I'm usually up by 6 a.m. and return somewhere around 5 p.m.  When I'm not teaching I'm working on future classes, job applications, research, and getting here on TW.  I always log on after my classes.

    I FINALLY GOT INTO MY OFFICE!!!  THEY RESTORED MY COMPUTER PRIVILEGES!!!!  Ah, yes, what a feeling.  They really nailed the dude who "forgets" to leave the key. 

    On the job front, the school is working out fine so far.  I do like it there and they are already asking me about future schedules.  THEN, that editing job that keeps getting pushed back should be starting next month.  On top of it all, I now have the rest of the authors lined up for the Jazz Age book, and that means I'll start writing in earnest and receive another check from them in a few months.

    As for myself - I went fully dressed to my shrink last week.  She's seen me dressed en femme before, just not in my wig and lipstick (no other makeup - SOB!).  Then, on Sunday, I had the chance to dress at home.  I had the house to myself and told my nephew I was going to do it.  When he returned I didn't even bother changing.  Karen Brad will testify to that.  He didn't even blink.  I did change before my folks returned, though.  Then, when leaving the local library on Monday, I stopped by the bathroom to put on some lipstick for the walk home.  So I'm coming out more all the time.

    So, for the moment, I'm actually feeling pretty happy about things.  I haven't felt this good in a long time.  It's still not where I want to be, but it's better than what I've left behind.