I am very grateful

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    First of all, thanks to all of you who supported me this past week.  I don't even want to start listing names because I'm afraid I'll leave someone off, and I don't want that.  So many of you have done so much for me.  Thank you.  My mood is much better now, especially after having had a talk with Mum.

    As I wrote in the Forums, I am now fully out to my family.  Now I can really proceed with my life.

    My daughter had her first soccer game of the season on Saturday.  They lost 4-0. Oh well.  But me and my wife were cordial to each other.  It won't last.

    I am so grateful for something else - I have been vindicated!  For those of you who remember, Backstabber University really screwed me over last year by not even interviewing me for the full-time tenure track job.  I found out this past week that the person they hired over me is not only a complete and utter disaster, but he's leaving the school!  On top of it all, the school struck back at him by killing the spot.  It is so nice to see this happen! 

    Have a great week.  I'm home sick today.  Yuck.  It's a nice day and I can't enjoy it!
