Back on track

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    I finally made an appointment with a new doctor.  I held off for a while because I did not know where I might be living.  Now that I know I am staying here for another year, it was time to get back in to everything. 

    My breathing problems have been getting better.  I just need to get back on track with transitioning.  Once I see my new doctor, I will make the appointment with a new endo to get the HRT going.

    I had the interview for the other position at the museum last Friday, but I was not told I was to have a ten minute audition ready.  I did that part on Tuesday, and I think it went fine.  Of all things, what did I talk about?  Respiration!  There I was battling with asthma, and talking about how different animals utilize oxygen.  If I do not get the spot it won't kill me since I will still be at the museum.  I'll be a little disappointed, but it won't be like I am going out on the streets.

    I will be going to Denver in two weeks to see Josie for my birthday.  That will be great!  I can't wait to see the mountains just as autumn is setting in.  I could sure use the break.  I am back to working six days a week, and I get so tired sometimes.  I love the Lord of the Rings movies, and on Sunday I actually fell asleep during Return of the King.  I am already planning the menus for what meals I will cook for Josie.

    Right now, my focus is on getting back on the HRT track.