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    I hardly blog anymore!  I don't have the time!

    Karen Brad is writing enough about her trip here.  Because of her trip I am doing some serious thinking about maybe going back to the boats this summer (if I can!).  It was great being able to talk about Chicago history and architecture like that.

    Josie will be here next week.  8 days away!  I cannot wait.  For the first time I will be able to really give her a Chicago tour, like I did for Karen.  We just never had the time before.

    Things have gone south with the museum.  I need to get out of there.  I can't believe a place I loved so much became so bad.  I cannot tolerate how they treat me, especially after all I have done for them.

    On the plus side, I am going to be publishing another book this year, my school is trying to get me on fulltime, and I have another conference to attend. 

    But the one big thing is that I am pretty much fully out.  And that is a relief.