Recent Entries

  • I figured it out

    Girls, a few blogs back I mentioned how I dreamt I was fully dressed at my main school. I now remember where I saw that outfit.  In the film "Better Off Dead" the actress Diane Franklin had on the outfit that crept into my dreams. What I would give to have it! Speaking of schools, that on...
  • Now that my rocks are out of the sink, what do I do next?

    Today marked the fourth straight day of being able to dress, the first time in a while.  I'll be able to tomorrow as well. Like the Chuck Mangione song, "Feels So Good." She came home tonight a little earlier than expected, having been able to hop on an earlier flight. It was a warm reception,...
  • Got my rocks out of the sink, and femme for a third day

    I finally got my rocks out of the bathroom sink.  Yes, those rocks.......... Gotta fix the toilet seat too.  That's a totally different story.  I swear, I'll destroy the world if given half a chance. It's a very snowy day today, with more to come.  This is my third straight day...
  • Home alone

    Well, I dropped her off at the airport this morning to go to that marriage conference required by her job.  I did well and didn't moan about anything. Now I have the house to myself and can indulge in my dressing again, like I did yesterday. Yet I still feel left behind, but in othe...
  • My rocks are in the sink

    No, not those rocks. Get your mind out of the gutter and let me explain.................. I was cleaning out my Zen fountain and forgot to put the stopper in the sink and a s***load of rocks went down the drain. I got most of them out, but there's still two or three rocks in there.  With a dec...
  • A resolution

    Happy New Year to all my dear sisters! The past year, especially the past few weeks, have made me realize some things about myself.  Talks with Tressa and Maria especially helped, as did many of the comments you girls have left for me.  My one resolution is to deal with "The Demon," that ...
  • Approaching the New Year

    While things are better at home, even after considering this past Monday's nasty row, things aren't the best with my in-laws right now. The thing is I really don't care at the moment! I know that sounds evil, but there is my side to these stories and I don't think they take my side seriously sometim...
  • Feeling better

    Christmas went well.  My turkey was FANTASTIC!!!!!!  So was my gravy (can anyone say "high cholesterol levels?"). However, I am extremely jealous of my kitchen, but on the holidays I do allow my in-laws to, well, invade it to do some cooking, like the sweet potatoes.  The one Christma...
  • My Christmas gift

    It's amazing what it takes to realize your life.  I have learned that in less than 12 hours.  Whether I maintain it is something else.  My family - my wife and in-laws really - and all of you said something to me that made so much sense, and I want to use it all.  I spoke with Tr...
  • On this Christmas eve

    FINALLY the computer problem at home is solved.  This little thing is fantastic, and now I can, once again after months, chat from home!  I love it! My Christmas eve day will start with a visit to my shrink.  I just wish I could finally get rid of that little insecurity demon of mine...