New Year

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    Tiina your right it is just a start. Dressing up is something I've wanted to do for a long time. I started by putting on mt sisters clothes when I was in the 6th grade. Evan though I liked it so much I thought it was odd. I knew I could never let anyone know. Then a few months ago I was looking at pixs on my computer of women in short skirts. I saw a man in a mini-skirt. You allways hear about nasty sex sites. I thought it was going to be one. When I clicked his pitcher he was a TV. At first I looked at his gallery. I could'nt beleave how nice he looked. Then I read his Bio. It sounded a lot like me. Then I found a tranny web ring. There were more stories like mine. I was'nt the only odd ball. So insted of taking steps I got excited and tried to jump. This is going to be a very New Year. Im looking inward for discovery. I hope to find out something about who I am.