March 5th

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    Up at the top where it says subject. I couldn't think of one. Just Bullshit didn't seem right. But thats what it is I guess.

    I got new breast forms. I'm not going to tell you how they make me feel & other dumb stuff. I do like them though. Anyway, when I dressed to see how they would look, all this chest hair was sticking out. So I shaved it off in the shower. There has got to be something better. I thought my work shirt was going to kill me. I think I'll try a cream.

    Lately I'm finding myself wanting to be Karen more often than I want to be me. No wait Karen is me. That part of me is becoming more & more of me.  I don't know what I mean. I feel more like a Karen than a K. Thats it.

    Got the new Newport News catalog. I've allways liked a knit dress they have. Now they have it in my size. My credit card is maxed. I can't have it. Not fair!! In my last order I got a 25% off catalog. Nothing in my size. Realy nice stuff. Someones laughing somewhere.

    Well if anyone reads this I hope your doing well. If you've made it this far than you know I need a life.                I'm working on it.
